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Monday, August 25, 2014

InfernalBlog in: Legend of korra Season 3 Finale

Hello and welcome back to the infernalblog which had been postponed forever because AVATAR.

Seeing as i have not been on the blogs in some time i may not be up to speed with it all but i'll do my best to review and give my opinions on the season 3 finale of legend of korra.

Finally before i get started i want to state season 4 has been confirmed, however i feel like this season finale deserves this post.

Oh yeah and this:

THE LEGEND OF KORRA and all related titles, logos and characters are ™ and © of Viacom International Inc. 2012-2014. All Rights Reserved. Original Presentation 2012-2014 Nickelodeon.
legal shit

So right of the bat in the season 3 finale(Lets just call it S3E13) we start with the avatar being chained to he walls and floor of a giant cave with Platinum handcuffs (Which can't be meatalbent.) This is following the events of Episode 12, as Zaheer tells korra of his plans to kill her in the avatar state(which would subsequently end the reincarnation of the avatar) it is made apparent of the growing fear in korra's eyes.

Zaheer then makes a quote of which i know exists elsewhere but i cant pinpoint from where:

"So we lucky few, this band of brothers and sisters in anarchy,"

The scene then cuts to the locked up air-benders realizing their without korra's help in the situation, but only momentarily as the camera pans back to korra where the unnamed red lotus members administer a poison  most likely made of mercury in an attempt to force her into the avatar state she resists for as long as she can but immediately starts hallucinating about amon unalok and Vaatu. Before anything major happens the air-benders are freed by the ragtag group that has been following korra around for the last few episodes.

Eventually korra stops fighting and enters the avatar state and instantly breaks free from the bonds of platinum and attacks Zaheer...

They end up exiting the cave and having a giant fight similar to the fight aang had with the fire lord in the season 3 finale of the last airbender.

Korra starts to waver as the poison takes full effect and eventually becomes completely helpless.
Jinora(Tenzin's daughter) comes up with a plan that basically ends up being to create a funnel of air to  suck zaheer in and counter his flight, which works, in the end zaheer is defeated and they are able to metal-bend the mercury out of her body. 

Then sokka 2.0 comes in for some comic release and literally puts a sock in it:

From here on out aside from one moment i find the entire rest of this episode very saddening.

I'll start off with this pic:

(Que sad music)

The depressing scene continues when korra gets outside

The group outside then goes on to ponder how the world will fair in this time of chaos and who will help the world well korra is in a wheelchair.

Moments later at jinoras airbending mastery ceremony tenzin declares the air nation will return to it's nomadic roots and travel the world helping people from all nations while the avatar is disabled.

The final scene of this episode is probably the most depressing thing ive seen in avatar. This is the last thing you see before the credits:

This can't even....

Ahem....While i think this season finale deserves many a blog post i do not nor will i ever accept this as a END. And as such i will continue watching avatar over and over again until season 4 is released I DON'T LIKE ENDING ON A SAD NOTE.

Well now that that's off my chest one thing that worry's me is  the potential lack of korra in Legend of korra season 4, her being in a wheelchair an all...Finally i'm very worried for korra herself in the sense that, she seems much more distant than she was prior to the finale, i am hoping this is a temporary result of the poison and not some large long term realization of how insignificant she is or something like that, i would hate to see korra's character ruined because of *Excuse the language* Za-fucktardmagee-heer.

Well, i gave the rundown of the episode, my review of the episode and my view on the result of it.

Overall rating


The reason it does not have a full 10? it lost .00000000000005 a point because i hate sad endings, but that's just my bias.

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