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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Infernal Mini-Blog in: Ranma1/2 Episode 1

So after some time i decided to revisit ranma 1/2, more specifically, my favorite episodes. I wanted to talk about the episodes in smaller posts, or segments however that's a very hard thing to do in blogger, so instead i will be releasing these mini-blogs. For more information, Visit the "Ranma 1/2 Revisited" Page on the top of the blog.

Now lets get started in Episode 1 of Ranma 1/2

In the first episode of Ranma 1/2(Witch i have watched 6 times) We meet the series protagonist Ranma!
Ok,blog done. Goodnight everybody.

But in all seriousness, I believe this episode to be one of the best episodes out of the first 3 seasons,

It also introduces the most characters in one episode.When ranma and his/her dad arrive upon the door of the gleeful yet Unsuspecting House of soun tendo, he expects and old spry man to come along with a energetic young man, and what he gets, is a giant panda, and a red haired pig-tailed Girl.

Skip half the remainder of the episode and the tendos finally learn of the training accident that left ranma and genma as a girl and panda respectively.

Deep in the hills of the Bayankala Mountain range (Bayan Har Shan), south of Mount Kensei, in Qinghai Province, China  (Try saying that 5 times fast.) Is where the training grounds of jusynkio lays.The ancient training grounds is home to many springs, but the 2 in particular they fell into were

Spring of Drowned Panda Or Shonmaonīchuan
Spring of Drowned Girl Or Nyannīchuan

After some witty banter and a table being unrightfully abused(Don't ask) The episode ends with ranma and genma sitting outside, and akane sitting at the table inside as they both say their final words of the episode:

Nibiki(Akane's sister):But you were both girls at the time, so that makes it ok right?

Akane:'Ok' is not the word

Genma: Ok So shes got spunk, that just make a fiance even more cute.

Ranma: Cute...Shes definitely not cute.

All in all it was a great episode to start things off.

I'll give it a 7/10

There are multiple parts they could have played out better, but it is made up for with the really good bits near the middle and end.