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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

InfernalBlog in:Kampfer

Come one come all, to a blog.
This is my blog,there are many like it, but this ones mine.

(Disclamer: I am new to blogging and therefore don't have much in the way of  writing opinion, however my opinion is my personal opinion and Should not be taken to heart)

To mark this as the first blog post, I am going to give a little insight on a good yet terrible Anime.
The anime in question is none other than:Kampfer
Ah yes, yet another anime full of great potential, with minimal story and maximal fan-service, this anime could have been the new  Naruto, Dare i say it.The story "revolves" around a boy in school, (whatever grade he is in is not stated) named Natsuru Senō (yes the bold text and color was necessary) who woke up one day to find he is a girl:
(Don't worry this is only the beginning of the weird)

However he is not just any girl now, he is a "Kampfer,"(told you the weird wasn't over, just wait for this next part) A Kampfer is a FEMALE warrior that uses either a melee weapon, a gun, or magic to fight.(spoiler EVERY other Kampfer is pure female) Their purpose is simple, fight, Fight with other Kampfers...
How...productive...Continuing on you have 3 types of Kampfer, red Kampfer(Kampfer with red bracelets),
blue Kampfer(same but with blue), and white Kampfer(you know the drill), and every Kampfer undergoes a different change, but i 'll get back to that later, right now it's time to talk about one of my 3 most noticeable things in this anime.

Ah yes fan-service, the staple of anime. Kampfer takes fan-service and puts it in every situation it can, making #2 and #3 Fade into the background.

(I won't be including pictures in this section for obvious reasons.)

The show starts out awkwardly,after a dream state Natsuru wakes in his room to find he is a girl he briefly *clears throat* "checks himself" to be sure of what has happened, and realizes he has a blue bracelet on 
now "what does this have to do with fan-service" you may ask, this is the first instance of fan-service and we haven't even got past the first 5 minutes of this show, upon awaking she is wearing the same shirt he-(excuse me ~she or is it he? IT) was wearing as a boy witch proves slightly small, not only that but it mysteriously replaces pants with a small skirt, Riddle me this batman, how does it gain a skirt but keep the same shirt? (i know i should be a professional poet)It also gains longer hair however that's natural. it goes on to point out it is also in different underwear...really? Ok i'm starting to regret starting this post now, but i'm this far so...
Going through the show you can't go 5 minutes without some form of fan-service, i'll spare you the majority  but the worst of it all is at the end, the protagonists body's get swapped with their dolls that live
(did i forget to talk about them them? they played such a small role up until this season finale i forgot they were there)
ok i lied here is a picture fortunately this picture has no fan-service in it

The entire episode is basically fan-service, the dolls use the body's to eat and shop and eventually get caught up in a amusement park where they partake in various fan-service.So in the end this is my summary of standout #1:

Plot poi-Fan-service~~~ Character developm-Fan-service~~~ Fan-servi-FAN-SERVICE

Now moving on to a subject more suited to talk about


Once again plot (along with #3) is pushed down to the corner of the room under fan-service. I can truthfully say i saw about 3-4 episodes devoted to plot the rest being fan-service.It is hard to talk about this show without bringing up fan-service, the plot was crude the flow of events nonexistent and wait what was that i just heard? FAN-SERVICE, the plot might as well been fan-service.

This paragraph will summarize the plot attempting to avoid fan-service as much as possible, a boy named natsuru woke up one day and turned into a girl with a magic bracelet that turned him to and from his female state, his doll told him he was something called a kampfer a warrior meant to fight other kampfer of a different color to decide a battle  "far far away"  sense his bracelet was blue he had to fight red kampfer however the first to attack him was another blue kampfer who he saved form a phone line poll and they eventually teamed up to defeat the reds  when they were mysteriously attacked by a red kampfer who turned out to be the student body president *breaths in slowly*  she along with natsuru's childhood friend were red kampfer  who all eventually teamed up to find out why they must fight(they did not know at the time) and eventually white kampfer came out of nowhere and started attempting to kill them because they were not doing what the ancient beings that were in a never ending war called moderators wanted them to but for plot ended up failing.

This is the best i could do, it  took half an hour to type that attempting to exclude all fan-service, in total video time that takes up about 2 episodes out of what 14.

 lets be honest though, this is borderline hentai.

Now let's get #3 over with so i can go enjoy a nice round of killing a.i's in starcraft2 okay?

#3:Character Development

Paper thin,nonexistent,not a trace,malvaviscos toma buena.  
The most character development was during FAN-SERVICE e yup that's back.
However there were times where character development was a thing:

This shy girl:
Turns into this sharpshooter:

Totally legit...

(let me be totally honest with you the anime makes less sense than this post, there is nothing i can do to make any more sense out of the show)

And so you see the anime in it's best, Fan-service
(did i mention natsuru is more clueless than quagzire? The other girls are all being as obvious as they can they want to be with him and he has not got a clue even when they flirt with him as a girl (creepy huh?))

all in all, if it was more focused on plot and characters it has the potential to be a great show,but alas the show ended as it started FAN-SERVICE.I left out many many things mainly because i can't talk about them without more fan-service but here is an example: i have nothing against liking that same gender as you(though i personally would not do so),however this show takes it to far, a very popular abridged states the exact words for this, at one point yami yugi pops up (it'a a abridged they can edit what they want in) and states
"Why is every girl in this show lesbian?" witch sums the show up quite nicely considering whenever natsuru is a female all the girls pile drive her trying to get a date. there's even a love interest for out pore hero/heroine so (pardon this sentience, i mean no offence) even the man-lady is lesbian(when he...she...IT is a female).

There's only so much Kampfer one can take so that's it for this post.,Come back often for  Non
FAN-SERVICE related show and game blog posts.

Rating:3/10 Could have been great but sucked~

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