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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

InfernalBlog in:Tales of Xillia

Oh look what's this, a game that looks like a show? lemme guess, xillia!

One of my favorite showgames of  2012-2014. I like to call it a show but in truth it is a game, in witch you get to choose between one of two protagonists, Jude Mathis or Milla Maxwell. Jude Mathis is a student aspiring to receive a doctors degree,One night he was walking on a bridge that overhung a waterway, and he dropped a piece of paper, instead of moving on he went to get it marking his immanent run in with Milla Maxwell, whose initial reaction was as follows:
Yes Milla Maxwell, controller of the 4 great spirits, master of elements, slayer of teenagers who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!(oh wait..not that last one...)After Jude agrees to shut up she releases him from the h2o torture, where he starts coughing and she proceeds to scowl at him and say "Can't you cough quieter?" afterwards plot ensues and they end up fighting this maniac:
One of the antagonists in the game, Agria.
After a long time of Milla essentially telling Jude to get lost they end up traveling together and meet up with a mercenary for hire "Alvin"
who leads a band of chipmunks that sing variu-wrong Alvin. He helps Jude, they sail overseas, and eventually they end up in a forbidden city, were we meet possibly the most annoying character in this ENTIRE GAME "Ivar" rant after rant obsession after obsession basically he hates Jude's guts, And i hate him,so were even.

Blah blah blah story-line story-line lets get to some more things i find good and bad about this game.

#1:Good Character progression
They mastered a beatable game and a anime in one marvelous PS3 game. they were able to make the character come to life like they would in a good anime but also stay true to their  game  story-line.
If you were to put all the Cut-scenes together in chronological order it could literally be an anime.
There are even points that are most important to the story-line in full anime format:
It is hard to put in words how amazing they put the character progression together in this game.

so now i move on

#2:My take on tales of xillia
If i were to have made this game it would be an anime, not a game. Simple as that it feels like an anime.

#3:Story-line Pros and Cons
#2 was super short, however that is as simple as it gets.On the side of story-line xillia powers through town after town forest after mountain plains after deserts, but it does it perfectly, i can explain most of the story-line in one sentence "Keep moving or they all die"they are periodically chased through towns and nature meanwhile trying to get to the main goal "the lance of kresnic" witch has trapped the great 4 spirits inside it (Gnome,Efreet,Sylph,Undine). If they are to do so then Milla Maxwell must not die or all the world will die...or something.the whole time Jude develops a friendship with allies that join him, but mainly Milla who he obviously likes. This brings up a con however, milla is a male spirit in a female body, witch seems to be something reoccurring in today's games and shows HINT HINT
(Totally not from my last post)
Well i think that's enough of that. This game overall was good it had its flaws,but it rebounded those flaws with a unbeatable story-line and characters.

Rating: 9/10
Next time on, infernalblog...another blog post,
That's hopefully more professional than this one...

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